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São Leopoldo - Fragmentos do Passado
é um projeto idealizado, produzido e dirigido por Fábio Nagel.
Trata-se de um DVD reunindo 10 vídeos, com 1 minuto de duração cada, contando trechos da história da cidade de São Leopoldo.
A narração é de Ricardo Gonçalves, profissional que faz a locução do programa VídeoShow na TV Globo e a trilha sonora assinada por Leandro Rodrigues, um dos mais conceituados músicos do RS.

Na coluna da direita você encontra os links para assistir e fazer o download de todos os vídeos do projeto.

Zero Hora

São Leopoldo - Fragmentos do Passado na Contracapa de Zero Hora. Leia a matéria publicada no dia 01 de agosto/2008 direto site do jornal ou na transcrição abaixo.

Texto de Roger Lerina
Contracapa | Jornal Zero Hora
(01 de agosto/2008)

Olha só que bacana: quem pintar no Espaço Pensamento lá na São Leopoldo Fest - evento que rola até domingo - pode trocar um livro de literatura por um DVD que conta trechos da história da cidade. São 10 vídeos de um minuto, produzidos para comemorar os 184 anos de São Léo - completados no último dia 25.

Quem bolou esse projeto foi o jornalista FÁBIO NAGEL, gaúcho radicado no Rio, que produziu e dirigiu o DVD. Entre a dezena de temas abordados no trabalho, Nagel destaca o vídeo que fala das origens do cinema em São Leopoldo, cujas primeiras exibições foram em 1909, ao ar livre. O equipamento era montado em cima de um carro Ford, em frente ao Paço Municipal - hoje prefeitura -, onde rolavam as sessões.

- São Leopoldo ainda era iluminada por lampiões, e a energia elétrica vinha de metros e metros de fios puxados do único gerador da região, usado na Madeireira Feldmann, que produzia gelo também e existe até hoje na cidade, no mesmo local. E ainda faz gelo! - conta o diretor.

Esse exibidor pioneiro se chamava Pedro Leopoldo Feldmann (sentado na foto), e foi quem acabou construindo o primeiro cinema de São Leopoldo, o Coliseu Theatro Leopoldense, em 1914.



Tema: Cinema
Roteiro e direção:
Fábio Nagel
Narração: Ricardo Gonçalves
Trilha Sonora Original: Leandro Rodrigues

formato: rmvb (11,53 MB)


In 1909 São Leopoldo still lived under the light of the lamps- electricity would only come 4 years later- although this did not prevent that during this time movie sessions were held in the city.

RÉGIS FELDMANN - "It was my great grandfather who introduced the cinema to São Leopoldo. He brought electrical energy which was generated in the steam machine of the wood factory Feldmann, and throughout Brasil street, old Fogo street, the cables reached Paço Municipal- which is the city hall today, up above an old vehicle the sessions were presented to the audience there."

From the outdoors sessions the exhibitions began to be held at Orpheu society. It was only in 1914 that the first movie theater was opened-The Coliseu.

Ten years after, in 1924, Cine Independência opened, and the passion of leopoldenses for the seventh art consolidated.

Museu do Trem

Roteiro e Direção: Fábio Nagel
Narração: Ricardo Gonçalves
Trilha Sonora Original: Leandro Rodrigues

formato: rmvb (12,59 MB)

The Train Museum

In April 14 1874 it was opened in São Leopoldo the first rail road of Rio Grande do Sul state. All the structure of the building was built in England and brought from there to be assembled in the town.

GERMANO MOEHLECKE - "The wood of our station is covered with zinc because the English feared our native people also attacked the building with fire arrows such as it happened in the United States."

Twenty years after it was time for Teodomiro da Fonseca have permission of the president himself to build a more modern construction, but the deadline was over, and the building was still up. Today it is repaired according to its original design, the station houses the Train Museum that keeps this and many other stories.

Código de Posturas

Roteiro e Direção: Fábio Nagel
Narração: Ricardo Gonçalves
Trilha Sonora Original: Leandro Rodrigues

formato: rmvb (13,35 MB)

Municipal Posture Code

It was called the Municipal Posture Code the rules which were created when the colony of São Leopoldo went to the category of Ville and it became indepent fom Porto Alegre in 1846.

E - "These laws, these police postures were wide. You can discover how people lived from these laws. For instance, it was forbidden to ride a horse inside the villa. They could also arrest someone when they would sell old bread.
They were policial because they really had the police power.

Another law which draws attention is about women who washed clothes by the river.They were allowed to wash the clothes by the shore but they could not use obscene expressions, otherwise they would stay 2 days in jail."

These laws were handwrtitten in a large notebook. As there was not a city hall at the time, it was the chamber of councilors which had the power to create laws, fine, tax and even arrest, those who did not obey the law. Moreover, it would also administrate the town

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