
Roteiro e Direção: Fábio Nagel
Narração: Ricardo Gonçalves
Trilha Sonora Original: Leandro Rodrigues

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Since 1788 the region of Vale dos Sinos had already been inhabitted by a few Portuguese. In Feitoria slaves produced fabric and ropes but the place was not achieving results and it was closed in March 1824.

Carlos Eggers - "It was from the decision of the Portuguese crown to close the Feitoria do Linho Cânhamo that they decided to house here, at the immigrant´s house, the first German immigrants who came to settle down in the South land of Brazil and help wth the defense of the territory.

That´s it, colonization also had the objective to block the South of Brazil against foreign invasions."

Then, in Juy 25 1824, the first 39 immigrants desembarked in the leopoldense land, and the German colony was named Sao leopoldo in honour of the favorite saint of Leopoldina Emperor – who had the idea to bring the Germans to the region.

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