Monumento do Imigrante

Roteiro e Direção: Fábio Nagel
Narração: Ricardo Gonçalves
Trilha Sonora Original: Leandro Rodrigues


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The Monument of the Immigrant

In 1924 São Leopoldo would be 100 years and the planning of the festivals started a yeard before.

The idea was to land the left shore of the river to bulid a monument in honour of the centenary of the first immigrants, but the plans were abandoned due to the high costs.
There was, then, a popular campaign to make it possible the construction of the obelisk.

TELMO LAURO MULLER - "The monument was built under donations. The public was touched so they could raise the money. The newspaper Deustche Post of February first of 1924 finishes with such news: Each one gives according to what one can afford. and conscience so that we can build a worthy monument to our city."

The monument of the immigrant was opened still under construction in September 20, 1924.

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